Manchester Airport’s New Security Scanners
As part of Manchester Airports £1.3 billion upgrade, it now includes the use of their brand new technology which will change your security experience. They have introduced CT (Computer Tomograpahy) scanners in the security hall in Terminal 2. Along side with the original x-ray machines they are being trailed on some of the lanes which means that you will no longer have to remove liquids and technology from you cabin bags! Manchester Airport Group (MAG) have announced that they will be running at Manchester, London Stansted and East Midlands airport.
Although it is currently on a trail test basis in the ternimal, rhe full installation at the airport won’t be expected to be completed until 2025. It will only be terminal 1 where they will not be installed due to it being closed later on in the year for the transforation project. However, the rules on liquids being less than 100ml will be moderated the same and any bags which are scanned to have more than the allowance will need to be taken to the side for futher investigation.
This process means that there will be reduced times while passing through security, giving you more time airside to take adavantage of Duty Free!