Inside the Aircraft Part 3 – Cabin Crew
There’s always been that controversy on what to call these people who look after you whilst on a flight. Cabin Crew, Trolley Dolly or Flight Attendant. In a recent poll I did I asked 10 stewards what they preferred and it was cabin crew.
You’ll notice their 100% immaculate appearance from the moment that you board the aircraft. Many of their uniforms can cost anything up to £3000 for the set. But why the added extras and why all the same.
Bright Coloured Lipstick
So passengers can read your lips in an emergency.
Scarfs around the neck.
This is a tradition that started many years ago of aviators that used to wear silk when they used open cockpits. The pilots liked them as it stopped chafing around the neck, so this is what it’s primarily used for in todays world.