Welcome Message

Welcome Message

Welcome to the first news blog on final approach. So you may be asking where am I based? Well I’m based approximately 25 miles to the north of Manchester and regularly travel to the likes of Manchester Airport on a weekly basis. You may think well that’s a bit far to travel but for me it’s become more of a full time hobby and I enjoy it very much. As I don’t work Fridays it’s a great way for me to spend a bit of me time to enjoy what I like best. I don’t always travel to the airport though. I can be seen at various extremely high level places tracking aircraft using my Kinetic SBS1er Radar Box more of which in the future post.

Gareth Edwards

Gareth is one of the founders and owners of final approach. Gareth covers many of the airports across the North west including Manchester, Liverpool & Hawarden. Gareth is the main designer of the website.

Inflight Magazine – Latest Issue

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Manchester Airport Information